Join us as we continue our ongoing series "Fostering Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Through Career Development" as we discuss specific strategies for tearing down barriers to student success.
Joining us to lead this conversation is Tamika Williams, Assistant Director of Career & Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Ohio University. You may recognize her as one of the recent guests on the CDPI Career Champions podcast.
This webinar will cover the current structure of career DEI at OHIO to explore services and an overview of programs. We will discuss strategies for designing and implementing DEI into existing programs, services, and events for students of specific populations. Part of the conversation will address how we can make sure we are not acting as barriers to our work and building a sense of belonging for students.
This event is free for all CDPI members, and $15 for non-members. Non-members are welcome to apply for a CDPI membership here. Why do we charge for events? CDPI is a non-profit organization that has re-occurring expenses like maintaining the website you are using right now, book-keepers, and grant opportunities for our members. We rely on membership dues to keep our organization running!
Career Development Professionals of Indiana
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