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Presenter: David Adams
Abstract: Student employment provides an ideal environment for students to build career readiness skills. These skills increase their effectiveness as student employees and provide a strong foundation for career success. In this interactive session, we will discuss strategies for integrating career readiness within student jobs and campus leadership positions. Participants will share insights into career readiness initiatives at their universities; increase their awareness of career readiness trends; and reflect on how their practices promote students' career readiness.
Full Session Details: Student employment provides an ideal environment for students to build career readiness skills. These skills increase their effectiveness as student employees and provide a strong foundation for career success. However, these skills do not develop themselves. Student jobs have the capacity to be high impact practices – and are often more accessible to a wider range of students – but this requires supervisors to take the role of effective educators, even those who may not consider themselves educators. Supervisors of student employees are key to student employees’ success and instrumental in creating a positive learning atmosphere within campus jobs. In this interactive session, I will discuss strategies for integrating career readiness initiatives with student jobs. These strategies include assessment tools, such as the Career Readiness Project; practices supervisors can individually implement or that campuses can widely adopt; and examples from universities nationwide. Participants will share their insights into career readiness initiatives at their universities; increase their awareness of career readiness trends; and reflect on how they can adapt their practices, or adopt new ones, to promote students' career readiness. Supervisors of student employees, advisors of student leaders, and anyone interested in integrating career readiness initiatives within the student teams they work with are encouraged to attend. Learning Objectives 1. Following this session, attendees will have the ability to implement practices or initiatives that promote career readiness among their student employees or student leaders. 2. Following this session, attendees will have a broader understanding of career readiness trends nationally and the research underlying those trends.
Presenter Bio:David Adams serves as Student Employment Coordinator at Indiana Wesleyan University. He is a career development and student affairs educator with 4 years of experience within career services. He holds a Master of Arts in Higher Education and Student Development from Taylor University.
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