2023 Annual CDPI Conference
May 11th-12th, 2023
The annual CDPI conference will bring career services professionals from across the state of Indiana for professional development opportunities. The conference will include large shared sessions with smaller breakout opportunities.
Conference Details:
The conference will take place in-person at Indiana University - South Bend! CDPI has reserved a block in two local hotels, the reservation links for which can be found in the confirmation email provided upon registering for the conference. The full conference schedule is forthcoming.
Register for the conference today!
Conference registration is $100 for members, $50 for students, and $150 for non-members. If you need to renew your membership ($35), please click here for further information. We ask you do so by May 1st to allow time for membership renewal processing.
Networking Event:
Members can also register for a networking event held the night before the conference. For $25, you can join us at The Cellar Wine Bar and Kitchen in South Bend for hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and mingling! Please click here for registration and more information!
Questions about the conference?
Contact Lindsey Heben, CDPI Graduate Intern, at graduateintern@cdpi.org.
Why do we charge for events?
CDPI is a non-profit organization that has recurring expenses like maintaining the website you are using right now, book-keepers, and grant opportunities for our members. We rely on membership dues to keep our organization running!
Career Development Professionals of Indiana
Questions or suggestions for our website?
Contact the Director of Digital Communications at prcommunications@cdpi.org.
Career Development Professionals of Indiana, Inc., P.O. Box 2745, Indianapolis, IN 46206.