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CDPI Webinar: Neurodiversity: Exploring the Spectrum at IU

  • 13 May 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • https://iu.zoom.us/j/97967157215


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Presenters: Lisa Hamilton, Debbie Anderson, Matt Bumbalough, Charlie Stone

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that can cause difficulties in thinking, feeling, language, and the ability to relate to others (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Currently, the CDC (Buescher et al, 2014), estimate at least 1 in 59 students are on the spectrum, and the numbers continue to rise. Here at IU, we have students on the spectrum with diverse needs from advisors, career coaches, and our disability center coordinators. Join us as we discuss our ASD student population on campus, how you can give them the support they need, and interventions that you can take to embrace inclusive habits in your interactions. Finally, students on the Spectrum will join us for a collaborative Q&A session.

Full Session Details:
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that can cause difficulties in thinking, feeling, language, and the ability to relate to others (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Currently, the CDC (Buescher et al, 2014), estimate at least 1 in 59 students are on the spectrum, and the numbers continue to rise. Here at IU, we have students on the spectrum with diverse needs from advisors, career coaches, and our disability center coordinators. Join us as we discuss our ASD student population on campus, how you can give them the support they need, and interventions that you can take to embrace inclusive habits in your interactions. Finally, students on the Spectrum will join us for a collaborative Q&A session. Goals The overall objectives of this presentation are to: 1. Discuss the ASD by the numbers on the IU Campus and nationally; 2. Outline interventions you can take in your face to face advising sessions; 3. Identify and understand the career support structures in place for students; 4. Introduce resources and support available for students and allies; 5. Engage in a collaborative Q&A with students on the spectrum Format: Presentation/Discussion Outline A. Introduction of presenters and brief experiences with students/friends/family on the spectrum B. Outlining ASD by the by the numbers, national and IU numbers (Disability Support Services) C. Outline Advising Interventions (University Division) D. Career Support Structures (Career Development Center) E. Support Structures on Campus (Disability Support Services) F. Q&A session with students on the spectrum.

Presenter Bios:

  • Debbie Anderson, Disability Services for Students Access Coordinator, Indiana University Bloomington

  • Matt Bumbalough, University Division Academic Advisor, Indiana University Bloomington

  • Lisa Hamilton Career Development Center Career Coach, Indiana University Bloomington

  • Charlie Stone, Disability Services for Students Access Coordinator, Indiana University Bloomington

Career Development Professionals of Indiana

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